Saturday, August 15, 2009


Survey respondents were given a list of potential advantages to working in a small philosophy department. They were asked to rank these issues on a scale of 1-5 where 1 meant "I don't like this at all" and 5 meant "I love this" Here is the list of potential advantages, along with the mean scores, standard deviations, and number of respondents for each item. They are listed in order from most loved to those seen as least advantageous.

Respondents were also prompted to list any other advantages they enjoyed as members of small philosophy departments, and those other advantages can be seen here.

1Having the freedom to create new courses924.260.982
2Knowing the Majors and Minors well924.230.891
3Having the same students in multiple courses923.990.989
4Having the ability to teach a wide range of courses973.931.092
5Having the ability to effect change in one's department933.711.079
6Having fewer departmental administrative obligations613.431.087
7Interactions with non-philosophers in the institution993.410.904
8Interactions with fellow philosophers783.331.181
9Being a/the prominent "campus philosopher"903.061.193
10Having the opportunity to teach non-philosophy courses722.971.267
11Interactions with non-philosophers in the department642.941.037
12Having a small number of philosophy majors.922.531.296

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