Saturday, August 15, 2009

Survey Results: Concerns

Survey respondents were given a list of 14 possible issues of concern for faculty teaching in small philosophy departments. They were asked to rank these issues on a scale of 1-5 where 1 indicated "no concern at all" and 5 indicated a "high priority concern" Here is the list of issues, along with the mean scores, standard deviations, and number of respondents for each item. They are listed in order from most concerning to least concerning.

For each of the concerns listed here, respondents were asked to indicate how, if at all, they had addressed these various issues. Clicking on the concern listed below will take you to a separate post that lists those responses.

Respondents were also prompted to list any other concerns that they had, and a list of these other concerns can be seen here.

Concern N Mean S.D.
1 Finding time and resources to support scholarly work 107 4.12 1.007
2 Recruiting and retaining majors 97 3.59 1.214
3 Convincing undergraduates of the value of philosophy 108 3.35 1.146
4 Excessive teaching responsibilities 108 3.25 1.382
5 Creating a sense of community among majors & minors 103 3.15 1.115
6 Acquiring resources from college administration 108 3.13 1.305
7 Effectively preparing majors for graduate school in philosophy 99 3.08 1.104
8 Excessive college service responsibilities 107 3.02 1.251
9 Convincing administration of the value of philosophy 107 3.01 1.450
10 Effectively teaching courses outside one's area of expertise 100 2.77 1.230
11 Convincing faculty colleagues of the value of philosophy 109 2.68 1.353
12 Excessive departmental service responsibilities 108 2.54 1.286
13 Finding faculty to teach philosophy courses 101 2.44 1.244
14 Managing interactions with any non-philosophers in the department 79 2.16 1.245

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